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Creating a Finch Eclipse Project

1.  Download the Eclipse software package and unzip it to a convenient directory.

2.  Open Eclipse.


  • You must open Eclipse using sudo to run Finch programs, or run this script to allow access by regular users. If the script fails, follow these instructions to make it so regular users can access the Finch (credit: Meg Richards).
  • You will need to install libusb-1.0 before compiling a program. To do so, run sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev in any terminal window.

3.  In Eclipse, go to File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace

4.  In the import Java Project dialog window, make sure the ‘Select root directory’ option is selected and then click ‘Browse’ to navigate to and select the FinchJavaEclipse directory

5.  Hit Finish – the project should now be visible in the left hand pane.

Running an Example File

1.  Expand src in the package explorer on the left hand pane.

2.  Expand a package of your choice and double click on a file.  For example, click on Code.simpleOutput and double click on

3.  Windows/Mac: Run the file by either clicking on the green run button, by going to Run->Run, or by hitting Ctrl-F11.

Linux users, your life is more complicated:

  • Run the program, it will hang on “Connecting to Finch…”. Kill it manually.
  • Go to Run->Run Configurations
  • In the left side bar, select the name of the application you want to run.
  • In the right pane, select Arguments.
  • In VM Arguments, add the following text: -Djava.library.path=.  (including the .)
  • Hit “Run”.

Creating a File from the FinchTemplateFile

1.  Expand the “Code” package and right click on

2.  Select copy.

3.  Right click on any package name and select paste.

4.  Right click on the copy of FinchTemplateFile in the package and select Refactor->rename to name the file.

5.  Double click on the newly renamed file to open it in the editor and begin writing your program!

Creating a File from Scratch

1.  Right click on a package name, select New->Class and name the class in the resulting dialog window.

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