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Opening the Project

1.  Download the Finch Netbeans Java project.

2.  Open Netbeans.


  • You must open Netbeans using sudo to run Finch programs, or run this script to allow access by regular users. If the script fails, follow these instructions to make it so regular users can access the Finch (credit: Meg Richards).
  • You will need to install libusb-1.0 before compiling a program. To do so, run sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev in any terminal window.

3.  Go to File->Open Project and navigate to the directory where you unzipped the Finch Netbeans Java package.  Open the directory and click on the FinchBeans project.  A coffee cup icon should be displayed next to “FinchBeans” to indicate that it is a Netbeans project directory.

4.  Expand “Source Packages” to view the example programs.

Running an Example File

1.  Double click on an example file in one of the packages.  For example, in the Code.simpleOutput package.

2.  Click anywhere in the code editor window.

3.  Either hit Shift-F6 or go to Run->Run file to run the program.


Do not hit the main Run button (green triangle) as this will ask you to choose a main class once, and then afterwards will always run that main class instead of the program you wish to run.

Creating a File from the FinchTemplateFile

1.  Expand the package “Code”

2.  Right-click on and select copy.

3.  Right-click on any package name where you wish to create a new file, and select Paste->Refactor Copy.

4.  Enter the name of your program.

5.  Double click on the new file to open it in the editor and begin writing your program!

Creating a File from Scratch

1.  Right click on any package name and select New->Java Class.

2.  In the dialog window, give the new file a name and hit Finish.

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