The block-based programming languages BirdBlox, Snap!, and MakeCode include block translations for a number of additional languages.
Languages available are: Arabic, Catalan (not available in MakeCode), Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish.
If you don’t see a language you want, but would be willing to help us translate, please contact
Here is how to find the translated blocks in each programming language:
To select a different language in BirdBlox, click the Settings button and then the Language icon. Then select the language that you want.
To select a different language in Snap!, click the Settings button and then select Language.
In the pop-up window, select the language that you want. If the language is listed in the pop-up, but not on our list of translated languages above, that means that Snap! supports this language, but we do not yet have a translation available for our robot blocks.
To select a different language in MakeCode, click the Settings button and then select Language.
In the pop-up window, select the language that you want. If the language is listed in the pop-up, but not on our list of translated languages above, that means that MakeCode supports this language, but we do not yet have a translation available for our robot blocks.