If you need help repairing Finch 2.0’s wheel, rubber marker grommet, or battery, please check out the pages below.
- How do I repair Finch 2.0’s wheel?
- How do I replace Finch 2.0’s rubber marker grommet?
- How do I fix Finch 2.0’s battery?
In other, rare cases, you may need to replace Finch 2.0’s other components. The videos below will guide you in replacing or repairing these components. Please reach out to support@birdbraintechnologies.com for help procuring any parts you may need to fix your Finch issue.
Taking Apart Your Finch 2.0
Replacing the Distance Sensor
Replacing the Top Shell or Tail LEDs (neopixel strip)
Checking the micro:bit Holder and Cable
Repairing the Power Button
Reassembling Finch