The Hummingbird Bit uses the following pins on the micro:bit:
PIN 0: Used to control the buzzer on the Hummingbird Bit
PIN 1: Exposed on the Extensions Port
PIN 2: Directly controls single color LED port 2
PIN 8: Directly controls single color LED port 3
PIN 13: SCK signal for SPI communications to the Hummingbird’s daughter microcontroller
PIN 14: MISO signal for SPI communications to the Hummingbird’s daughter microcontroller
PIN 15: MOSI signal for SPI communications to the Hummingbird’s daughter microcontroller
PIN 16: SS signal for SPI communications to the Hummingbird’s daughter microcontroller
PIN 19: Exposed on the Extensions Port
PIN 20: Exposed on the Extensions Port
Pins 3-7 and 9-12 on the micro:bit edge connector are not used by the Hummingbird Bit.