MakeCode Tech Support
Can I use Bluetooth to download my MakeCode program to my Hummingbird Bit?
Can I use Bluetooth to download my MakeCode program to my Hummingbird Bit?
How do I save or share files in MakeCode?
Why is my BitFirmware.hex file not showing up on my micro:bit?
How do I update my micro:bit firmware?
Why did my Hummingbird Bit stop allowing me to download? Why is my micro:bit in “maintenance mode”?
Why is my micro:bit not showing up on my computer?
Why is my sensor not responding or not responding as expected in MakeCode?
Why is my servo motor not responding or not responding as expected in MakeCode?
Why is my tri-color LED not responding or not responding as expected in MakeCode?
Why is my LED not responding or not responding as expected in MakeCode?
Why is my MakeCode program/.hex file not downloading onto my micro:bit?
In MakeCode, how do I know if my .hex file is downloading to my micro:bit (Icon Test)?