The end of the school year is upon us!
It’s the perfect time of year to celebrate just how much your students have accomplished – and we think you should celebrate creative robotics in style. Here are our top 10 end-of-the-year robotics activities, from our community of amazing teachers like you.
10 Perfect End-of-the-Year Robotics Activities:
1. Throw a Finch Robot Glow Party like educator Lindsay Munoz
2. Bring the quintessential summer activity into your classroom with Hummingbird Kit Mini Fingerboard Park, like Jessica Meacham
3. Let students bring their TikTok skills to school and choreograph a trending dance with robotics!
4. Throw an End-of-the-Year Arcade for your school community with Hummingbird Kit games, like Tech-Girls and Lighthouse Studio
5. Put all the skills you’ve learned this year to the test with a Battle Bots tournament, like educator Craig Dunlap
6. Celebrate your students’ meaningful connections with some teamwork challenges – and see how much their SEL skills have grown!
7. Roll into summer (literally!) with a Robot Rover race
8. Bring your final novel study to life with an interactive book-based activity, like this Maze Runner robot race from educator Marianne Green
9. Put that hard-earned growth mindset to use by making a giant robotic Rube Goldberg Machine
10. Throw a parade, with each float representing a student’s favorite memory from the year. Decorate your Finch to be a parade float, or create your own Box Rover float with the Hummingbird Kit!